Cross-field treasure chest/lesson plan sharing


十年磨一劍 跨域動人心

跨領域美感教育卓越領航計畫協同主持人  林小玉教授 跨領域美感課程係指「以藝術媒介、藝術概念、美感元素與藝術資源等,作為活化、輔助與融整其他學科學習的媒介、資源與策略及主軸,建構『以藝術為核心』(ar […]

The bridge between contemporary art and design

Number sense cross-domain course sharing

The Mathematics Poetry Course shares examples of mathematical poems to enable senior students to understand the rich combination of text, the four mathematical operations and images. Then, using image understanding as a method, students are guided to use concepts such as geometric figures, four arithmetic operations, and numbers to create their own unique illustrated mathematical poems. space master […]

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