Starting from the student body and life, we understand ourselves through multiple ways and get close to the land to understand the place. Protect through awareness, exploration and feeling, and become an active learner. The future will support children to stand firmly on the ground regardless of the various setbacks and challenges they face.
以STEAM 的動手做、做中學,由主題式架構、議題與核心素養融入!讓孩子發現問題進而解決問題!從生活中五感覺知、踏查、關心訪談、合作討論、實驗試誤、研究,進而行動付出對家鄉的回饋與展演。計劃建構個體與群體的認同,肯定自我,愛家人、親社群,關懷鄉土,學生自發好奇的學習動機,與家長合作、與社區攜手為夥伴,穩固學習支持系統,以共同成長共好,成就每個孩子並引發終身學習習慣,成為具體行動家!