Please check the relevant course categories according to the following questions. Items can be checked. After completing, please go to the bottom of the page to view the filtering results:
Learning phase:
Art field:
academic area:
Important topics:
Please check the following six types in order. Items can be multiple-checked.
1/ Cross-field course types
2/ Cross-field aesthetic literacy
3/ Cross-field core competencies─Core competencies in the field of art
4/ Goals of cross-field aesthetic courses
5/ Highlights of this issue - connections inside and outside the school
6/ Highlights of this Issue─International Perspective
Your filter results:
National Tainan Institute of Technology - Poetry at the Corner (2) - Fucheng Cultural and Creative Industries
Tainan City Provincial Elementary School - Whale Falls to Reduce Carbon and Protect the Future
Chiayi City Chiayi University Affiliated Elementary School—Chiayi Mudu Collection: Pay tribute to Master Lin Yushan