
Su Yudai

Associate Professor, Department of Early Childhood Education, National Dong Hwa University "Learning, Experience" PhD in Music Education, Columbia University, New York, USA "Research Expertise" Qualitative research, music education theory, music curriculum development, music pedagogy, gender education, multicultural education

Wu Yuzhi

Leader of the Education Promotion Group of the Fubon Art Foundation "Learning and Experience" Vice President of Shanghai (Tomato Field Art) Jingzhong International Children's Research Institute Doctor of the Art Education Group and Art Administration Group of the Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University "Research Expertise" Art education, exhibition marketing
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Li Shuangqing

Associate Professor, Director of the Institute of Arts and Humanities Teaching, National Taiwan University of Arts, and Director of the Teacher Training Center "Learning, Experience" PhD in Art and Art Education, Columbia University, New York, USA "Research Expertise" Art Education, Art Curriculum Development and Design, Art Museum Education

Chen Shuyu

Professor of the Department of Special Education and Dean of the School of Education, Taipei City University "Learning and Experience" Doctor of Philosophy in Special Education, Pennsylvania State University, USA "Research Expertise" Intellectual disability, music therapy, parent education, early childhood therapy
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